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Water Filter Nozzle, FEL (slotted drainage caps) of plate type

Water Filter Nozzle (slotted drainage caps) of plate type are designed for filtrate (solution) separation from the filtering medium and further filtrate removal.

Equipment parameters:

Price - on request

Warranty - 24 months

Delivery - Worldwide


Water Filter Nozzle, FEL (slotted drainage caps) of plate type

Water Filter Nozzle of plate type are mounted in the filters’ collection and distribution assemblies of various purpose and design.

Operation principle: the filtrate (solution) moves through the filtering medium, is separated by FEL unit and removed through a connected fitting for further treatment.

Water Filter Nozzle  (slotted caps) of plate type are manufactured according to Specifications TU 3113-005-33513164-2009 "Water Filter Nozzle (slotted plated caps) of "FEL P" type".

Water Filter Nozzle of plated type are made as a set of stamped plates fixed between the filtering element's cover and bottom. The bottom side of "FEL P" unit is equipped with threaded fitting for mounting.

These filtering elements are used in the bottom collection and distribution assemblies of mechanical filters and ion-exchangers applied in nuclear power plants.

Water Filter Nozzle of plate type is made of 12Х18N10T stainless steel or steels of equivalent grade. Due to a corrosion-resistant material the filtering elements have increased resistance to aggressive media.

"FEL P" basic technical features:

  • enhanced mechanical strength;
  • larger filtration area;
  • low hydraulic friction;
  • low sensitivity to slots blinding;
  • service life up to 50 years.

Product line and specifications of "FEL P" plated Water Filter Nozzle, 4th version

Designation Slot width, mm Filtration area
(open area)
Dimensions, mm
diameter height
FEL P-0.1-19-4-N-М56х3-N 0,1±0,05 19,00 cm2 66 110
FEL P-0.2-10-4-N-G1/2-N-D 0,2±0,05 10,00 cm2 50 150
FEL P-0.25-12-4-N-G1/2-N-D 0,25±0,05 12,00 cm2 50 173
FEL P-0.3-43-4-N-М56х3-N 0,3±0,05 43,00 cm2 66 110


You may find other types of  filtering elements (slotted drainage caps) in our catalogue.

445056, Russia, Samara region,
Togliatti, Gromovoy str. 33-A, POB 1839